South Ural State University

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716 th
EDUCOM University Rankings 2025
Price: 6716 EUR 6716 EUR
Contact +7 (351) 267 9900




South Ural State University (SUSU) offers a wide range of undergraduate programmes in various fields of education. Among its academic profiles, one can find humanities (law, history, linguistics, psychology), medical-related sciences (sports and health studies), economic sciences (economics, management, marketing, business administration, econometrics), science (biology, physics, chemistry, nano-technology) and technical sciences (engineering, IT, automobile construction, civil construction, architecture). Undergraduate programmes are open to both domestic and foreign students and usually last for four years. For those planning to work abroad, the university issues the diploma supplement, fulfilled in compliance with the European rules. One of the major and the most important components of the undergraduate studies is the practical implementation of the skills that the students receive, which is realised by arranging internships with partnering enterprises, among which are international and local companies such as Fortum, Knauf, Emerson and others.

South Ural State University is also a member of the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Life Science and Biology, Social Science, Law, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities, Psychology


Russian Federation
76 prospect Lenina, Chelyabinsk , 454080, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia


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