Eötvös Loránd University

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EDUCOM University Rankings 2025
Price: 8871 EUR 8871 EUR
Contact +36 (1) 411 6500




Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is among the oldest seats of higher education in Hungary, and has been the leading university of the country - as evidenced by international higher education rankings - for many years. Throughout the course of its history, which stretches back almost four centuries, ELTE’s excellence has been based on the strong ties between education and research. Its mission includes preserving and enriching culture at national and universal levels, cultivating science and passing on academic knowledge, and shaping and satisfying the long-term needs of society.

ELTE, founded in 1635 and the longest continuously operating university of Hungary, serves the interests of high quality education and research, building upon the best European traditions. Motivated by the conviction that excellence in higher education is inconceivable without first-rate research, ELTE aims to represent both sides of the traditional concept of universitas at the best possible level: the creative community of instructors and students (universitas magistrorum et discipulorum) and the ideal of an institution actively engaged in the pursuit of various scientific and scholarly disciplines (universitas scientiarum).

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Life Science and Biology, Social Science, Law, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities, Education, Psychology


Egyetem tér 1-3, Budapest , 1053, Budapest, Hungary


Comments (5)

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I love my teachers and the way they are teaching us. Everything is given here to achieve big things if you are up to it! And what is bad? The infrastructure…. ? This isn't a reach university in a reach country, but I think it is still really...

I love my teachers and the way they are teaching us. Everything is given here to achieve big things if you are up to it! And what is bad? The infrastructure…. ? This isn't a reach university in a reach country, but I think it is still really great! I love being an ELTE student.

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Editor 77
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Truth is that ELTE is the best option for people who want to study social sciences in Hungary. There are some big problems with the course structure though: too much emphasis is being put on history while there are only a few classes that have to...

Truth is that ELTE is the best option for people who want to study social sciences in Hungary. There are some big problems with the course structure though: too much emphasis is being put on history while there are only a few classes that have to do with the actual application of social sciences. There is also a problem with teachers being a bit fixated on Karl Marx and generally on the "founding fathers of sociology". Still, I would recommend it to people who like the social sciences.

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Editor 77
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I attended the Hungarian Computer Science program at ELTE. Overall, I think that it is among the top 3 computer science & engineering courses in Budapest, however it still some flaws. The general quality of education is high. The teachers are...

I attended the Hungarian Computer Science program at ELTE. Overall, I think that it is among the top 3 computer science & engineering courses in Budapest, however it still some flaws. The general quality of education is high. The teachers are very nice, even friendly, and very helpful (only very few exceptions!) If you want to learn computer science by a more theoretical & math-focused approach, this is the best university in Hungary to do so. If you would like to learn about hardware, IoT, embedded systems, or if you are interested in engineering & physics, this is not as good as f.e. BME. The greatest flaw that I saw is that the curriculum really hasn't been changed for the last 15 years. In 2008 it has been transformed, but most of the subjects stayed the same. Therefore I had to learn many technologies that were awfully unhelpful and unusable, but we didn't have time to approach topics that my friends at other universities in other countries examined in depth. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE POINT IS ONLY VALID BEFORE THE 2018 CURRICULUM CHANGE, OF WHICH I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE.

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Editor 77
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One of the oldest and greatest universities of Hungary, always in top lists of Hungarian universities and in 601-800 best universities worldwide. ELTE has a very strong natural science background and strong recommends to research, specially on...

One of the oldest and greatest universities of Hungary, always in top lists of Hungarian universities and in 601-800 best universities worldwide. ELTE has a very strong natural science background and strong recommends to research, specially on Master degree. It has its own pros and cons, for example pros is very strong theoretical knowledge, I believe ELTE and BME gives strongest theoretical knowledge in Hungary. But, on the other hand sometimes student doesn't have enough practical knowledge so they are a little bit unprepared for the big "adult" world. But in my opinion it's more advantage, than disadvantage. ELTE has lots of different opportunities beside studying. Dozens volunteer associations for many needs and wants, both technical and soft-skill, sport opportunities, international awareness, since ELTE has many foreign students. Unfortunately, ELTE has the biggest number of students in Hungary, and that makes many logistic operations so hard and stupid so it makes you do tons of bureaucracy. You can live with it, but sometimes it's just pain in the ass. But for sure, ELTE has much more advantages, so if you're considering to study here, doesn't matter what degree, it's a great opportunity, be sure.

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Editor 77
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While not the strongest university, ELTE provides its students with a uniquely systematic and mathematical approach to computer science. This means that you will have a lot less actual high-level programming (f.e. you only learn about sorting...

While not the strongest university, ELTE provides its students with a uniquely systematic and mathematical approach to computer science. This means that you will have a lot less actual high-level programming (f.e. you only learn about sorting algorithms in 3rd semester) but you will have a stronger intuition and understanding about simple programs, and slowly build up from there. You will be taught how to prove that a program is correct mathematically. Having said that, other universities are far better at teaching you how to program in an actual programming language like C# or Java, and you won't be taught any physics or hardware-related subjects here. ELTE focuses on the theory behind software, but not on applications. One of the major upsides to ELTE is that it is very fair. Its grading systems are understandable and reliable, the exams cover only what has been taught, which doesn't apply to every hungarian university. Here, you don't feel like the teachers and the students are 'against each other'.

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Editor 77
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