Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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THE World University Rankings 2025
QS World University Rankings 2025
468 th
EDUCOM University Rankings 2025
Price: 429 EUR 429 EUR
Contact +36 (1) 463 1111




Founded in 1782, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is a public university, considered to be one of the world’s oldest institutes of technology.

It was the first institution in Europe to train engineers at university level and still delivers around 70 per cent of Hungary’s engineering degrees. Today, its training courses are offered in five languages: Hungarian, English, German, French, and Russian.

Comprised of eight faculties, there are over 100 departments and institutes at BME, including: Civil Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Architecture; Chemical Technology and Biotechnology; Electrical Engineering and Informatics; Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering; Natural Sciences; and Economic and Social Sciences.

BME is home to approximately 21,000 students, of which a 1,000 or more are from overseas.

The university is situated on the right side of the Danube, between Szabadság Bridge and Petőfi Bridg. Just 10 minutes away is the city centre of the Hungarian capital, which is buzzing with life and full of restaurants, bars and clubs, as well as numerous cultural delights. Students can walk from one end of the university to the other in around 20 minutes.

Among other networks and associations, BME is a member of the European University Association, European Society for Engineering Education, International Association of University Presidents, and the International Network of Universities.

BME has associations with four Nobel Laureates. These are Dénes Gábor for Physics in 1971; George Oláh for Chemistry in 1994; Wigner Jenő for Physics in 1963; and Fülöp von Lénárd for Physics in 1905. Many other inventors, scientists and architects have also passed through the university, as well as 18 Olympic medallists.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Social Science, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities, Education, Psychology
Sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Information and communication, Financial and insurance, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Public administration and defence, Education, Human health and social work, Arts, entertainment


Mûegyetem rakpart 3-9, Budapest , 1111, Budapest, Hungary



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  • Új oktató-kutatói minimumbértáblát vezetett be a Műegyetem
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  • Új oktató-kutatói minimumbértáblát vezetett be a Műegyetem
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  • Felvételizők figyelmébe: a BME-n valódi atomreaktoron tanítják a nukleáris fizikát
    Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Comments (8)

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I'm currently enrolled as an Undergraduate student and it's been a little over 18 months and I find this University as one of the best Universities in the Country. With 8 faculties and over 50 + Study programmes in all levels (Bachelor, Masters...

I'm currently enrolled as an Undergraduate student and it's been a little over 18 months and I find this University as one of the best Universities in the Country. With 8 faculties and over 50 + Study programmes in all levels (Bachelor, Masters and Phd); it deserves to be the best University when it comes to Technical studies and Economics and Management field. Right from the first day - You can see that Professors here make a real effort in order to make students the future of the world. They make sure that each and everyone gets the best out of it. The staff at the International Office is one of the most dedicated and helpful. Some teachers aren't that fluent when it comes to English but they try their best to connect with the students.

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Editor 77
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I've attended this university for Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Computer Science. As Hungary's leading engineering university it lived up to my expectations. Mostly great teachers, busy student communities. During my BSc studies I felt...

I've attended this university for Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Computer Science. As Hungary's leading engineering university it lived up to my expectations. Mostly great teachers, busy student communities. During my BSc studies I felt we had a bit too wide range of subjects, without much specialization. I had to go to classes which didn't really interested me, but I guess it's like that everywhere, Bachelor's degree are supposed to give us a wide range of knowledge and a good foundation for going further. And even i the certain classes didn't interest me, the degree as a whole gave me a good engineering mindset. I liked my Master's much better, with the possibility to specialize more. I could study and research what interested me. The teacher's are u to date with current technologies, most of them had industrial experience. All of them who I spoke to were open to questions, and was happy to discuss and even debate different opinions. I even got help in looking for a job after I finished. Very big part of the university experience is the community. We had a really great one, with good opportunities to step out from the classroom and our comfort zones. There were several student competitions with different technologies, where people could try out their ideas and work on much more fascinating things than the usual class exercises. For example I got to modify an RC car to be able to follow a line on its own and do different task and compete with other similar cars on a racetrack. Beside engineering opportunities I joined ESN which gave me a lot of experience in teamwork, in leading people, and a great deal of social skills. So basically the university gave me everything I was looking for both in the professional field and in social life. And I haven't mentioned sports yet, which also plays a big part o the student life.

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Editor 77
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Lack of professors, underpaid and unmotivated staff, improper organisational methods, old-fashioned study programme. Maybe this is just for my faculty, but knowing all these factors I would not consider applying here again.

Editor 77
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Bme is a really prestigious university with a really tough education. The teachers are great and the campus is awesome. It has a lot of international students from all over the world. Simply one of the best universities.

Editor 77
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The university has a good infrastructure to teach classes. And also all the teachers have a really high level of English to teach for international students. The main problem is that teachers, and the people working at the university don’t help...

The university has a good infrastructure to teach classes. And also all the teachers have a really high level of English to teach for international students. The main problem is that teachers, and the people working at the university don’t help you in anything if you have any doubts they will answer you in an angry way.

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Editor 77
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The subjects are very different, we learn IT from the laws of physics to the high overview of complex systems. There are many great subjects with excellent notes but unfortunately all of them are acceptable. The student community maintains a...

The subjects are very different, we learn IT from the laws of physics to the high overview of complex systems. There are many great subjects with excellent notes but unfortunately all of them are acceptable. The student community maintains a knowledge base where missing notes are collected.

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Editor 77
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I did both my bachelors and masters at this university in the electrical engineering. The whole education system is constantly revised and updated if they feel the necessity of it. All the lectures, laboratory subjects were enjoyable, and they...

I did both my bachelors and masters at this university in the electrical engineering. The whole education system is constantly revised and updated if they feel the necessity of it. All the lectures, laboratory subjects were enjoyable, and they provided such a knowledge, that I still use at my work after 5 years in the industry. The equipment is getting better and better. The university provides one of the most valuable degree in whole Hungary in engineering field (if not the most valuable), and all the companies are aware of that - for a good reason. The university provides a wide area of optional subjects, that one can pick during their studies (there are some mandatory credits spend on these kind of subjects, and you are free to choose whatever you want). There are also subjects that are based on each other from the optional list, and in case one completes these, then the university provides an additional minor degree too. The university cooperates with the industrial representatives, therefore they know the required skills that are useful in the industry. There are many student associations formed within the university, they offer many opportunities for the students, both in getting hardskill knowledge, and getting experience in soft skill areas.

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Editor 77
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As a Hungarian student, I managed my way and somehow managed to learn useful things, but I felt so sorry for international classmates. They weren't very well treated, which shouldn't be a thing. I find my degree useful but I can't recommend...

As a Hungarian student, I managed my way and somehow managed to learn useful things, but I felt so sorry for international classmates. They weren't very well treated, which shouldn't be a thing. I find my degree useful but I can't recommend honestly to non-Hungarian students

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Editor 77
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Universities Hungary

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