University of Münster

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EDUCOM University Rankings 2025
Price: 602 EUR 602 EUR
Contact Schlossplatz 2, 48149 Munster, Germany


Westfälische Wilhelms Universitat Münster, also known as the University of Munster, is a public research centre and the one of the largest universities in Germany. It is often considered to be among some of the best universities in the country.

Due to lack of funds, university’s establishment dates back to 1780, almost a century after Pope Urban VII and Emperor Ferdinand II granted their permission for its foundation. The institution was built with money accumulated from the dissolution of its predecessor Münster's Jesuit College. Since 1907, the institute bears the name of the last German emperor Frederick William Victor Albert of Prussia.

Located in the most densely populated administrative region in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, the University of Munster has developed an reputation for excellence in cross-disciplinary research in medicine, business studies, mathematics and chemistry. Organised in 8 developing faculties, the institute awards degrees on all levels ranging from protestant theology, PR and journalism to psychology and sports science.

The German Research Foundation and the German Universities Excellence Initiative still actively support the institution with funds aimed at big-scale research projects conducted in partnerships with German and international universities.

Student life in Munster, often ranked as being among the most live-able towns worldwide, offers choices of cultural events for every taste spanning from music festivals, theatre performances and historical exhibitions.

The symbol of the university is the famous Schloss, a building that resembles a mansion house, similar to the one in which the university’s administrative centre resides.

Some famous alumni of the univeristy include the footballer Jens Lehman, and Nobel Laureate Georg Bednorz. 

The institution follows the motto: ‘knowledge and life’.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Physical Science, Education, Psychology, Social Science


Schlossplatz 2, 48149 Munster, Germany

Comments (2)

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I have only been here for about a month and studying cultural poetics, but so far everything is great, the university as well as the old town is breathtaking to say the least and the professors are nice and competent as well. I'm a stay-indoor...

I have only been here for about a month and studying cultural poetics, but so far everything is great, the university as well as the old town is breathtaking to say the least and the professors are nice and competent as well. I'm a stay-indoor kind of person and haven't been to many activities yet, but I can tell there are plenty of them based on the posters and stickers ? Münster ist my dream university the second I laid eyes on it and I don't regret it one bit!

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Editor 77
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Studied in WWU Münster in IS. The education is far from a practical field, the courses are too theoretical and far from a real business perspective. Most of the lectures are outdated and boring. Professors and Ph.ds stress mostly about how do you...

Studied in WWU Münster in IS. The education is far from a practical field, the courses are too theoretical and far from a real business perspective. Most of the lectures are outdated and boring. Professors and Ph.ds stress mostly about how do you write the exposé, which synonyms do you use but don't give any clue about how your thesis can be applied in the real world. So, be prepared for constant iterations of changing your master thesis with different wording. If you want to finish your studies in 2 years, prepare yourself for studying only. In my humble opinion, the university is over ranked and it's too conservative. Won't recommend to internationals or germans with head on their shoulders. Also, if you want to get your degree, prepare to wait for almost 2 months. The university is so "progressive", that they will provide you a piece of paper within 2 months, not earlier (already advise them to use docusign or similar software, but they are too lazy and lame)…. If you want to get a student wohnheim room - prepare to spend a lot of time in "Studierendenwerk", where they don't want to give good apartments/rooms in the first meet. They even won't speak English with you.

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Editor 77
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