Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

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THE World University Rankings 2025
QS World University Rankings 2025
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EDUCOM University Rankings 2025
Price: 9690 EUR 9690 EUR
Contact +421 (2) 5729 4111




Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is a modern educational and scientific institution. Since its foundation in the year 1937 more than 125.000 students have graduated there. In average, 16.000 students study at the STU every year. Its graduates have high employment prospects, and in recent years have boasted the lowest record of postgraduate unemployment in the country.

STU is Slovakia’s largest technical university. Its activities reach back to the rich old tradition of the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica, established by the Empress Maria Theresia in 1762.

At present, STU consists of seven faculties that provide research in a number of research departments and several centres of excellence following a long-term strategy when the priority areas are biotechnology and biocompatibility; sustainable resources and development: energy and raw materials; sustainable resources and development: environment, landscape and urbanism; nanotechnology, nanosciences and multifunctional intelligent materials; information society technology; life, health and environment; safety, reliability and quality.

All the STU faculties provide a study in accredited study programmes within the complex system of bachelor, master and PhD study. Faculties realise a credit system compatible with the European credit transfer system enabling mutual mobility of students within European Union member countries and a larger European space.

In the area of scientific and research activities the STU successfully joins European Union programmes.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Life Science and Biology, Social Science, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities
Sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Information and communication, Financial and insurance, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Public administration and defence, Education, Human health and social work, Arts, entertainment


Vazovova 5, Bratislava , 812 43, Bratislava, Slovakia


Comments (1)

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Recomend for all that want to learn how to deal with everything, hard times during school duties,work, atitide of teachers, deadlines, passing exams, preparation for all kind of problems in real life. In general, there is mix of everything, you...

Recomend for all that want to learn how to deal with everything, hard times during school duties,work, atitide of teachers, deadlines, passing exams, preparation for all kind of problems in real life. In general, there is mix of everything, you have unlimited possibilities to study, work in field etc. Do not expect extra high salary, but if you just want to live in ordinary standard, it is enough, degree is accepted everywhere in Europe and for sure you will learn things you will never use, but for those you will need is plus minus enough. Just find a way how to connect yourself on international level during studies and it will give you even bigger oportunities. I recommend this uni and if you are already in, just fight for it ? it has sense. Most of people there are great, but for sure you will find someone who will make your day bad, but that is life.

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