Renmin University of China

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Renmin University of China (RUC) dates back to 1937 when it was originally called the Shanbei Public School and established at the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Today, RUC is recognised for its strengths in the fields of humanities and social sciences although it also offers programmes in natural sciences, information technology and environmental sciences.

The university is made up of 26 schools and serves a total of around 25,000 students and 3,500 faculty members. It offers 75 undergraduate majors, four second-bachelor degrees, 124 doctoral programmes, 183 master’s programmes, nine interdisciplinary majors and 20 professional degrees. Around 4.5 million volumes are held by the university library along with close to 20,000 e-books.

RUC prides itself on its international focus, boasting links with 82 universities in 25 countries across Europe, 49 universities in nine countries in the Americas, 63 universities in 13 countries in Asia, five universities in five countries in Africa, and 11 universities in Australia and New Zealand. In addition, its School of International Studies offers a double masters in Asian & European Affairs with King’s College London. 

British universities with which RUC is affiliated are Manchester, Warwick, York, Edinburgh, and Kent.

RUC is located in the Haidan District of Beijing, an area to the northwest of the capital’s urban core and comprising more than two million inhabitants. Due to the number of universities and colleges located in this district, the area has a young demographic and a very vibrant feel. 

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Computer Sciense and IT, Life Science and Biology, Social Science, Law, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities, Education, Psychology
Sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Information and communication, Financial and insurance, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Public administration and defence, Education, Human health and social work, Arts, entertainment


59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District


Comments (1)

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There is no doubt that RUC top 3 university in finance and economics area in China. Profs are all excellent and students are all admitted through the most rigid procedure. Here you can get to alumni working in every important chinese financial...

There is no doubt that RUC top 3 university in finance and economics area in China. Profs are all excellent and students are all admitted through the most rigid procedure. Here you can get to alumni working in every important chinese financial companies or gocernment orgs.

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