Teacher training in primary schools

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Price: 2709 EUR 2709 EUR
Contact Innstraße 41, D-94032 Passau, Germany


As a primary school teacher, you will accompany young students through their middle and late childhood and not only impart knowledge, but at the same time be significantly involved in their educational process and should support it professionally. 

In primary school, children not only learn to count, read and write. They develop their social behavior and acquire artistic and musical skills. They get to know values ​​in order to find their way around the world and help shape it, they develop new interests and can expand on existing interests. 

The course for teaching at primary schools, which prepares you for the first teaching examination (first state examination), deals with the basic principles of learning and teaching in schools and - since primary school must be attended by all children - successful educational processes under the conditions of heterogeneity. Therefore, in addition to special specialist knowledge, you will  also acquire pedagogical and psychological skills  as well as competencies in questions of inclusive school development . Various compulsory internships allow a first glimpse into everyday school life.

University studies conclude with the first state examination. This is followed by a two-year preparatory service in the sense of  practical school training  (trainee teacher), which ends with the second state examination for teaching at primary schools. Passing the first and second state examinations is a prerequisite for qualification for a teaching post at a primary school.

You can find detailed information on the course content in our information leaflet In the module catalogs you can find out which courses you have to attend in your teaching subject, didactic subjects and educational sciences.

  • PArcours : Before you start your studies, you can test your personal suitability for teaching and receive feedback on your strengths and your development needs. This voluntary offer is so far unique at Bavarian universities.

  • Center for Careers and Competencies : The Center for Careers and Competencies offers free seminars especially for student teachers. B. “Well positioned in the discussion with parents” or “More peace in the classroom: mediation in school”.
  • Center for teacher training and subject didactics : The ZLF coordinates all tasks and questions related to teacher training. Here you will find all module catalogs and study plans for your chosen subject combinations as well as information on school internships and stays abroad.

Specific details

Category of Education Education


Innstraße 41, D-94032 Passau, Germany