Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering

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Price: 9857 EUR 9857 EUR
Contact University of Florence

More details about the program


The Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering trains engineers with a solid basic scientific preparation and with an adequate mastery of the methods and technicalscientific contents of engineering, equipped with specific skills specific to mechanical engineering The knowledge and skills acquired are markedly interdisciplinary, in order to allow the graduate to perform remarkably diverse tasks, prepared to design, build, install, test, manage and control machines and plants of general industrial destination, the means for operate them and their related services Together with the aforementioned characteristics and skills, the mechanical engineer will be noted for possible activities of organization of industrial production departments and, in the professional field, for the study and design of technical plants for civil and industrial use In his work he will be able to correctly frame his activities in respect of energy impacts, without neglecting the economicmanagerial aspects of his proposals

Specific details

Category of Education Technology and Engineerin


Florence, Florence