Msc in Complex Adaptive Systems

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Price: 7598 EUR 7598 EUR
Contact Chalmers University of Technology

More details about the program


To understand the dynamics of increasingly complex phenomena where standard simulation methods are inadequate, stochastic algorithms, game theory, adaptive programming, self similarity, chaos theory and statistical methods are used to describe and increase our understanding of complex systems in nature and society, in the end trying to predict the unpredictable. Truly interdisciplinary and encompassing several theoretical frameworks, this programme provides you with a broad and thorough introduction to the theory of complex systems and its applications to the world around us. The programme is based on a physics perspective with a focus on general principles, but it also provides courses in information theory, computer science and optimisation algorithms, ecology and genetics as well as adaptive systems and robotics.

Specific details

Category of Education Physical Science, Chemistr


Gothenburg, Gothenburg