Master Biology

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Price: 3016 EUR 3016 EUR


The Master’s degree programme in Biology has the goal to convey the biological concepts and practical skills necessary in different areas of biology (see «Areas of Specialization»). A special emphasis is placed on experimental research. During the programme students complete two research projects – 12 weeks each – and a Master’s thesis (six months). Aside from the practical work, students attend specific lectures, tailored to the different specializations. Graduates can apply the theory, methods, techniques and instruments in the area of biology in a targeted, correct and responsible fashion. They are therefore able to participate in solving fundamental questions in the Life Sciences. Alumni are qualified for demanding tasks at universities, in the pharmaceutic and chemical industry, in biomedical research and development or in the public sector. The degree programme is directed towards students with a strong interest in basic research. A wide range of knowledge in natural sciences and experience in experimental work is expected.

Specific details

Category of Education Life Science and Biology
Sectors Other service activities
Classification Other personal service activities


ETH Zurich


Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, 8092, Switzerland

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