Corporate Residency MBA

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Price: 1775 EUR 1775 EUR
Contact Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2, Canada


Why Dalhousie's Corporate Residency MBA?
- Enter our program directly from any undergrad degree with no work experience required.
- Exceptional, paid work experience: You’ll be immersed quickly and intensely into the real business world with an eight-month corporate residency.
- Employer Partners across Canada: Our deep relationships with Employer Partners across the country give you the opportunity to start your career in Halifax, Toronto, Calgary and beyond.
- Accelerate your leadership skills with the Personal and Professional Effectiveness course combined with career coaching from our Management Career Services team.
- Study with a small cohort of bright students: Our rigorous application process ensures you will be motivated, encouraged, inspired and challenged by others like you.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics


Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2