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WASP Real-time Systems


 Research at Real-Time Systems Laboratory covers the dependability and timeliness of distributed systems. We conduct research into dependability attributes such as safety, reliability, availability, and integrity. The latter two are also hallmarks of security.

Dependable systems are those for which reliance on the system's services is justified.

Our research covers the design of distributed algorithms and protocols in networked systems, and methods for ensuring system dependability in the presence of faults, overloads and attacks. The lab has more than 20 years of experience in several application areas such as avionic systems and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). We have also participated in European research cooperation in the area of critical infrastructure security since 2001.

Current projects and activities concern, for example, security in vehicular networks, resource management in edge computing, conceptual design for safety and security in avionics, time determinism and multicore computations, ensuring safety in systems that include learning-based components (ITS and aerospace), risk analysis, and intrusion detection in industrial control systems.

The latter is performed in the context of a 5 year national program RICS (, financed by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), in cooperation with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), to create a national testbed for security in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.

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