University of Piraeus

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The University of Piraeus was founded as a "School of Industrial Studies" in 1938 by the Association of Industrialists and Craftsmen, in accordance with the Law N.5197/1931 and the A.N. 28/1936, in association with the Federation of Public Limited Companies Greece intending to provide economic, legal and technical education to industrial executives.

  • In 1945 it was renamed to "Higher School of Industrial Studies" and its purpose was that of the systematic theoretical and practical training of administrators.
  • In 1949, the organization was complete (law 1245/49).
  • In 1958, it was renamed to Graduate School of Industrial studies of Piraeus. From then on, courses last four years and degrees awarded are equal to those of other universities.
  • Since 1966, the school operates as a public entity.
  • From the academic year 1971-1972, studying at the School provided two paths to select from the second year: Economic Science and Business Administration.
  • The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science was founded during the academic year 1977-1978.
  • With law 1268/82 the University initially operated with one Department. In 1984 (law 43/1984) the school was organized to include three departments: Economic Science, Business Administration and Statistics and Insurance Science.
  • In June 1989, law 377/89 prescribed the renaming of the School to "University of Piraeus", and the creation of three more academic departments, namely: 
    • Banking and Financial Management.
    • Maritime Studies
    • Technology and Production Systems
  • In the academic year 1990-1991, two of the three departments started to operate: 
    • the Department of Banking and Financial Management and
    • the Department of Maritime Studies
  • The Department of Technology and Production Systems was launched in the academic year 1991-1992 and was later (2002) renamed to "Department of Industrial Management and Technology" according to law 113/30-4-2002/ Government Gazette: 95.
  • The Department of Informatics began operating in the academic year 1992-1993.
  • The Department of Technological Education was launched in academic year 1999-2000 and was renamed in 2002 to "Department of Computer Education and Digital Systems" and in 2009 to "Department of Digital Systems".
  • The Department of International and European Studies was launched in the academic year 2000-2001.
  • The Department of Tourism Studies was launched in the academic year 2017-2018.


80, M. Karaoli & A. Dimitriou St., 18534 Piraeus

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