The Universiti Brunei Darussalam is guided by its four core values; people, expertise, relevance and leadership. These values are used as yardsticks in the development and running of eight academic faculties, eight research institutes and two support centres ranging from Islamic Studies, Business, Arts, Science, Health Sciences, Asian Studies, Policy Studies, Education, Biodiversity and Integrated Technologies.
Next Generation Education
In a relatively short period of time, UBD has advanced and expanded both in academics and infrastructure, producing influential leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals.
In 2009, UBD introduced the GenNEXT programme which has a broad-based and transdisciplinary framework, providing students the flexibility to tailor their studies according to their individual learning styles. This includes UBD’s pioneering Discovery Year programme, which currently offers opportunities for its students to learn on a global platform through its partnerships with universities and institutions across six continents.