Polytechnic University of Catalonia

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Price: 3987 EUR 3987 EUR
Contact +34 934016200




Organised around its schools, some of which are more than one hundred years old, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) is a public university. Its humanist and social foundations inform the theory and practice of architecture, engineering, physics, mathematics and optics that are its focus. One of the key aspects of the UPC is its ability to actively influence industrial, economic and social spheres in Spain. This influence is embodied in the top-quality education it provides at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree levels. Its courses are designed to meet the needs of the labour market, but also to encourage alternative forms of leadership for the future. The education that our students receive enables them to take on various roles throughout their professional lives. UPC graduates are responsible citizens who are rooted in the country and can anticipate challenges, create value, lead teams and face a globalised and changing future. UPC deals in knowledge transfer, innovation, entrepreneurship and patenting. As a technical university, it can claim to play a key part in the production process and in our regional equilibrium. Beyond Spain, UPC is present to varying degrees in 130 countries, where it works with other universities, businesses and institutions through networks and specific projects, some of which have a large international reach.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Medicine and Healthcare, Life Science and Biology, Social Science, Physical Science, Arts and Humanities
Sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Information and communication, Financial and insurance, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Public administration and defence, Education, Human health and social work, Arts, entertainment


Edifici R. Campus Nord, Carrer Jordi Girona, 31, Barcelona , 08034, Catalonia, Spain



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