Stellenbosch University

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251–300 st
THE World University Rankings 2023
454 th
QS World University Rankings 2023
215 th
EDUCOM University Rankings 2023
Price: 4278 EUR 4278 EUR
Contact Private Bag X1 Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa


Stellenbosch University (SU) is rooted in Africa and global in its reach. Over the past one hundred years, it has grown into a South African higher education institution with the vision to be a leading research-intensive university on the African continent, to be globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and innovative, and where knowledge is advanced in service of society. As its mission states, SU is a research-intensive university that attracts outstanding students, employ talented staff and provides a world-class environment; it is a place connected to the world, while enriching and transforming local, continental and global communities. The University’s values – excellence, compassion, equity, accountability and respect – relate to the beliefs and attitudes that guide the institution’s behaviour. All of these values are equally important, are interconnected and inform SU’s ethics code. Starting out with four faculties (Arts, Science, Education and Agriculture), 503 students and 40 lecturing staff on 2 April 1918, SU today is home to ten faculties spread across five campuses, has a vibrant and cosmopolitan community of more than 32 000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, which include over 4 000 international students from 100 different countries. The University has about 3 300 full-time staff members and 352 postdoctoral fellows. In 2018, SU launched its Vision 2040, as well as a strategic framework that at its core serves to cultivate a thriving Stellenbosch University, to provide a transformative student experience, to foster purposeful partnerships and inclusive networks, to promote networked and collaborative teaching and learning, to conduct research for impact, and to position SU as an employer of choice. FACULTIES AT STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY • Faculty of AgriSciences • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences • Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences • Faculty of Education • Faculty of Engineering • Faculty of Law • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences • Faculty of Military Science • Faculty of Science • Faculty of Theology

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Social Science, Physical Science, Education, Psychology


South Africa
Private Bag X1 Matieland, 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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