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AgroParisTech (officially French Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, or Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences) is a French university-level institution, also known as a "Grande Ecole" or a graduate school of the Paris-Saclay University. It was founded on January 1, 2007, by the merger of three life sciences grandes écoles (INA P-G, ENGREF and ENSIA).

Leader in life sciences and agronomy, AgroParisTech is one of the foremost and most prestigious Grandes Ecoles. AgroParisTech is one of the founding members of the Université Paris-Saclay, which will be the largest European multidisciplinary campus. AgroParisTech will consequently be moving to the Paris-Saclay business and research-intensive cluster in 2021.

AgroParisTech is graduate school of Paris-Saclay University and a member of the Paris Institute of Technology (or ParisTech). The latter is a consortium of ten graduate institutes of science and engineering. AgroParisTech is also part of 'The Life and Environmental Science and Technology Hub' of the Paris region, together with INRA, Cemagref, AFSSA, the École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort, and the Versailles National School of Landscape architecture.

Specific details

Category of Education Life Science and Biology


16, Rue Claude-Bernard, Paris , 75231, Ile-de-France, France


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