Sustainable Management

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Price: 123 EUR 123 EUR
Contact Durham, North Carolina, 27708, United States


A sustainable business is one that generates profits for its owners, protects the environment, and improves the lives of the people with whom it interacts. This online certificate program introduces you to the concept of sustainability and how to create sustainable business practices in today’s marketplace.

Student who pursue this certificate will learn the connections between the environment and sustainability, the good-business arguments for why an organization should embrace sustainable management, the role government regulation plays in sustainability efforts, as well as some criticisms of corporate sustainability. Upon completion of the certificate, students will be able to apply sustainability management principles in the workplace, apply the triple bottom line (TBL) model and its three pillars of “People, Planet, and Profits” within an organization; and recognize and implement best practices for measuring sustainable management efforts.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Education


Duke University


United States of America
Durham, North Carolina, 27708

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