BA West Asian Languages

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Price: 9952 EUR 9952 EUR
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More details about the program


The Department of Language and Culture of West Asia was established in early 2009 by the professional adjustment of the former Department of Oriental Studies, with three teaching and research rooms: the Persian Language and Culture Teaching and Research Office, the Hebrew Language and Culture Teaching and Research Office, and the Ancient Oriental Civilization Teaching and Research Office. There are currently 8 in-service teachers, including 3 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 lecturer, 2 assistant professors, and 1 postdoctoral student. There are two research institutions attached: the Institute of Iranian Culture of Peking University and the Hebrew and Jewish Institute of Culture of Peking University. Undergraduate subjects are modern Farsi (New Farsi) and modern Hebrew.

Specific details

Category of Education Arts and Humanitie


Peking University


Beijing, Beijing