8567 EUR
New Jersey Institute of Technology
In Mathematical Sciences, the co-op courses, MATH 310 Co-op Work Experience I and MATH 410 Co-op Work Experience II, bear degree credit and count as technical or free electives, subject to approval by a faculty advisor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. All electives should be selected after consultation with a Mathematical Sciences faculty advisor. Any mathematics course numbered 331 or above may be used as a mathematics, technical, or free elective. Any NJIT course at or above the 100 level may be used as a technical or free elective; except a technical elective is a course that has a significant mathematical and/or scientific content. All elective courses are to be chosen in consultation with a faculty advisor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Specific details
Category of Education
Computer Sciense and I
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyLocation
United States of America
Newark, New Jersey
Newark, New Jersey
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