MSc in Life Sciences in Biochemistry

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Price: 894 EUR 894 EUR
Contact Tel Aviv University

More details about the program


The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences is the oldest faculty at Tel Aviv University. Previously, it was known as the University Institute of Natural Sciences and focused on traditional biological disciplines such as botany and zoology. Today, new scientific developments and technologies have not only changed these disciplines but created new ones such as nanotechnology and bioinformatics. The Faculty now houses 90+ research labs across a wide range of biological disciplines. The developments in biological science and the use of new technologies have blurred the classic division of the subject into sub-fields. As a result, a broad and inclusive approach to solving fundamental problems in life sciences is needed today, requiring interdisciplinary knowledge and the use of a range of technologies.

Specific details

Category of Education Physical Science, Chemistr


Tel Aviv University


Israel, Israel