MA Japanese Language Education

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Price: 5455 EUR 5455 EUR
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More details about the program


The main objective is to qualify professionals in the fields of the Japanese language and Japanese language education and equip them with specialized expertise. Our curriculum and research rest on the two main pillars of acquiring solid theoretical base knowledge of phonetics, phonology, grammar, vocabulary, graphemics, and orthography and putting this theoretical knowledge into practice. Another axiom of this program is to enable non-native speakers of Japanese to make active use of their language skills in order to adapt to Japanese social customs and meaningfully participate in cultural exchange. Moreover, because our academic faculty largely belong to the Keio University Center for Japanese Studies, postgraduate students are regularly provided with opportunities to acquire practical teaching experience in the form of teaching assistantships and otherwise.

Specific details

Category of Education Arts and Humanitie


Keio University


Minato, Tokyo