541 EUR
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna, 40126, Italy
- Social and intercultural pedagogy - SSD: M-PED / 01 - Teachers: Alessandro Tolomelli, Stefania Lorenzini; Theoretical-methodological elements for the analysis of transformations in social and multicultural processes of the contemporary world and which require the educator to develop planning and reflective knowledge and skills in a pedagogical-social, relational and intercultural key.
- History of education and educational services in the contemporary age - SSD: M-PED / 02 - Teachers: Mirella D'Ascenzo, Rossella Raimondo; General overview of the genesis and historical-educational evolution of socio-educational services for welfare in the contemporary age: reasons, stages and salient figures.
- Educational and didactic planning in educational contexts. pedagogy of social inclusion - SSD: M-PED / 03 - Teachers: Chiara Panciroli, Valeria Friso;
Didactic planning in educational contexts: pedagogical coordination, the working group in the educational professions, participatory and empowerment models, operative mediation strategies; insights into the didactic strategies of media education and new technologies and the educational professions dedicated to cultural and environmental heritage. Design and evaluation of services on the issues of social inclusion, disability and job placement. - Research methodologies and evaluation processes in education - SSD: M-PED / 04 - Lecturer: Alessandra Rosa; Presentation of the methodology of empirical research and experimentation in the educational field. From the skills of planning to those of the evaluation of experiences and processes in the social and cultural sphere between the local level and national and European policies.
- Social and adolescent psychology - SSD: M-PSI / 05 - Lecturer: Giuseppina Speltini; Presentation of the theoretical-methodological elements useful in the planning of psychosocial interventions aimed at both prevention and rehabilitation. The study of psychosocial processes aimed at deepening the mental structures that form beliefs and prejudices and the intergroup dynamics in the development and reproduction of discrimination. The psychology of adolescence: autonomy and dependence, online adolescence, the issues of addiction, risk and well-being. Course (8 credits) chosen by the student from:
- Cultural anthropology and ethnography of social exclusion - SSD: M-DEA / 01 - Lecturer: Giovanna Guerzoni; The theoretical-methodological contribution of cultural anthropology in the study of contemporary social processes (globalization, migrations, urban contexts, ethnicity, racism, international cooperation) with particular regard to the processes of exclusion and socio-cultural marginality (educational poverty and social marginality and urban, early school leaving). The ethnographic method and the tools of anthropological investigation as observational and restitution practices in the work of the socio-pedagogical educator.
- General sociology and socio-educational services of the territory - SSD: SPS / 07 - Professors: Dario Tuorto, Giovanna Russo The theoretical and research contribution of the sociology of education in extra-curricular educational contexts. Analysis of the transformation processes of contemporary society with particular regard to the processes of social and cultural exclusion and to innovative experiences in welfare policies, evolution of socio-educational services in the area with respect to different types of users.
- Final exam - Project work
Specific details
Category of Education
Social Science, Education
University of BolognaLocation
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna, 40126, Italy
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna, 40126, Italy
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