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Price: 6685 EUR 6685 EUR
Contact Ovocný trh 3-5, Prague 1, 116 36, Czech Republic


History of medicine is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the history of medical science, history of particular specialties and their representatives, history of the medical profession and development of medical thought, history of training of health professionals, history of public health and health care facilities, incidence and alterations of disease entities as well as their treatment. At medical schools of universities in the world, history of medicine has had century-lasting tradition. The Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages (thereinafter “Institute”) of Charles University – the First Faculty of Medicine, one of the first in Europe, has been active at the oldest medical faculty in Czechia since 1920. Studies in this programme enable graduates of faculties of medicine and natural science as well as of various humanitarian fields to achieve the highest specialized education in this discipline. The Institute, which is the only in this specialty, is the central co-ordinating institution for education of PhD students of history of medicine for other university schools in Prague and nationwide

Specific details

Category of Education Medicine and Healthcare, Arts and Humanities


Ovocný trh 3-5, Prague 1, 116 36, Czech Republic

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