Master in Design

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Price: 8685 EUR 8685 EUR
Contact Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro , 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
+351 (234) 370 200


On this Master's programme, students are expected to acquire a deep understanding of the various levels at which their professional effort can operate - design and strategy, design and identity, design and technology - whatever the activity sector in which that action may take place. In the relationship between design and strategy are included concerns that underpin thought and project, with the objective of studying the development of a domain, the systemic vision of design on products and services or, in a more circumscribed manner, the management of design. In design and identity, all the problems that arise from the conception and organisation of the communicative dimension of businesses are taken into account, namely, the conception and management of brands, as well as other meaningful units with emblematic value, such as author's design, in which "authorship" is a feature which generates form. The conceptual dimension that the relationship between design and technology represents is directly positioned in the development of a product or service and belongs to a more operative and traditional vision of design in the perspective of material and technological limits.

Specific details

Category of Education Arts and Humanities


Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro , 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal