International Economic Assessment

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Price: 66 EUR 66 EUR
Contact Place du Maréchal de-Lattre-de-Tassigny, Paris , 75775, Ile-de-France, France


This program prepares students for a career in global economics. It connects academics and professionals to offer an academically well-rounded curriculum with a focus on gaining practical skills. Graduates go on to work as economists in the fields of education, research, administrative economics, or as economic climate and country-risk analysts in banks, consulting firms, industrial or service companies, in governmental or non-governmental organizations, and in major international groups.

Program objectives:

  • Gain an in-depth practical and theoretical understanding of international economics, financial macroeconomics, and public policy evaluation.
  • Master the tools of the economist: diagnostic techniques, advanced statistics, macro- and micro-econometrics, nowcasting, forecasting models, public policy evaluation techniques.
  • Use the analytical methods specific to economic diagnostics to create outlook surveys, country risk profiles, medium-term studies, sector analysis, etc. ·
  • Become an expert in the challenges of globalization and its effects on advanced, emerging, and developing countries.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics
Sectors Professional, scientific and technical activities
Classification Other professional, scientific and technical activities


Place du Maréchal de-Lattre-de-Tassigny, Paris , 75775, Ile-de-France, France