International Business

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Price: 2832 EUR 2832 EUR
Contact Russian Federation
ul. Mikluho-Maklaja 6, Moscow , 117198, Moscow, Russia


In modern conditions of world integration processes and strengthening of Russia’s participation in them there is a need of preparation of new generation of leaders with the global thinking, capable to identify and effectively use the possibilities of promptly changing international business environment. The most actual information reflecting experience of creation and managing business processes in the field of the international business in foreign companies and the leading domestic companies is provided to listeners. Educational process Process of training is based on three logically interconnected blocks of disciplines. The first block includes fundamental general economic disciplines. The second block is a professional one and combines the disciplines forming a profile of this program. The third block is presented by disciplines for student’s selection, providing specialization of students, proceeding from their professional interests (every year a set of courses is changed and supplemented). Training in a magistracy comes to the end with passing a state exam and defending the master thesis. The degree of the Master of Economics is appropriated to the graduate as a result of the program. The graduate of specialization "International business" has a possibility to create scientific career, having continued training in a postgraduate program.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics
Sectors Financial and insurance
Classification Financial service activities


RUDN University


Russian Federation
Russian Federation ul. Mikluho-Maklaja 6, Moscow , 117198, Moscow, Russia

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