Governance and Volunteer Management

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Price: 6151 EUR 6151 EUR
Contact 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Colombia, V5A 1S6


Explore the important role of unpaid workers—board members, volunteers, and professional pro-bono services—through the lens of the non-profit manager. We will examine the theory and practice of volunteerism in non-profit organizations, including board governance as a key volunteer role, in Canada.

We will focus on the practical tools for effectively integrating the 'unpaid' worker (some volunteer roles may involve some benefits and honorariums) in a non-profit. In addition, we'll look at the ethics of engaging the 'unpaid' worker along with management questions such as recruitment, retention and succession planning.

You will learn more about the governance structure of non-profit organizations by digging into the responsibilities of the board of directors, that unique but central volunteer role. Each module will include video interviews with volunteers, volunteer managers and/or executive directors.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Social Science, Arts and Humanities


8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Colombia, V5A 1S6