9239 EUR
Arizona State University
In this course you will learn how to design lesson plans around the needs of your ELL students and their language level through the analysis of content language and cognitive demands. You will learn how to align language objectives to the adopted standards of your school and content area. You will learn how to modify existing course materials as well as develop graphic organizers and languages frames to support ELLs’ access to content. Analysis of second language acquisition theories will be applied to lesson planning.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
* Conceptualize theories of second language acquisition as they apply to the planning of lessons through annotation
* Assess the linguistic needs of your students using BICS and CALP
* Identify content specific vocabulary, grammatical structures, and language functions necessary for a student to succeed in your
* Write language learning outcomes that align to your student’s linguistic and cognitive ability and your school’s adopted
* Adapt a lesson plan that accomplishes the learning outcomes outlined in the lesson objectives
* Modify materials to support ELLs’ access to content
* Use a wide variety of graphic organizer templates and language frames to support ELLs’ access to content
* Develop activity types appropriate to the cognitive and linguistic abilities of ELLs
* Incorporate community and culture into lesson planning
Specific details
Category of Education
Arts and Humanities
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