929 EUR
Palazzo Steri, Palermo , 90133, Sicilia, Italy
Palazzo Steri, Palermo , 90133, Sicilia, Italy
The Master’s Degree program in Electronics Engineering at the University of Palermo offers a training course taught entirely in English and divided into 4 curricula: Modern Electronics, Robotics and mechatronics, Bioelectronics and Telecommunications.
The master's Degree Program in Electronics Engineering allows to develop highly technological skills in all typical fields of Electronics, and in particular in:
Design and production of micro and nanoelectronic devices, sensors, actuators and analog, digital or mixed (A / D) circuits, also for radiofrequency applications;
Design of integrated circuits and systems (system on chip);
Design, management and maintenance of electronic systems for applications in diversified fields, such as automotive, energy, the environment, bioengineering and in the medical field;
Electronic control of equipment, machines, industrial production chains;
Design and management of ICT infrastructures, systems and services;
Analysis and sizing of telecommunications equipment, systems or networks;
Ability to create, modify or verify software and other applications related to the management and operation of telecommunications networks.
Modeling, identification, filtering and control of dynamical systems;
Analysys and design of mobile robotic systems (terrestrial and/or aerial), and their use in various application contexts in the industrial and service fields;
Analysys of kinematics, dynamics and control systems of industrial robots;
Design of control systems for automotive and industry applications.
It is characterized by a broad-spectrum approach, providing students with full training in Electronics, supplemented by further studies in the fields of electrical and electronic measurement, telecommunications, and automation. Graduates in Electronic Engineering can easily access the workplace in diverse sectors, such as micro/nano electronics, electronic design (including RF design), electronics for industry, energy and vehicles, ICT systems, domotics, and robotics.
The educational programme is characterized by a number of mandatory common teachings, providing students knowledge in the three complementary fields of Electronics, Electric and Electronic Measurements and Telecommunications, covering the variety of employment opportunities, in purely Electronic fields as well as for the integration of the world of the Internet and information transport and processing technologies with modern electronic systems and technologies.
Particular emphasis is placed on Applied Electronics, on Optoelectronics and Telecommunications, Automation and Measures, and finally on the study of circuits and systems exploiting the propagation of electro-magnetic waves in frequency fields ranging from radiofrequency to microwaves.
After this common path, the course is divided into different curricula, enabling students to deepen, respectively, the aspects of Modern Electronics, Telecommunication, Bioelectronics and Robots and Mechatronics, choosing the profile which best fits their attitudes as well as the professional and market contexts.
The "Modern Electronics" curriculum provides a high level of knowledge in the field of micro/nano electronic systems, heterostructure devices, instrumentation and microwave measurements, as well as of issues related to the implementation of electronic systems based on processors and high speed electronic interfaces.
The "Telecommunications" curriculum aims at training experts in telecommunications systems and digital infrastructures, with respect in particular to the emerging scenarios of Internet-of-things systems and broadband access in mobility. The course will provide solid groundings in modeling and interfacing techniques to the electromagnetic transmission medium, on the main modulation and coding techniques for the protection of information from disturbances and interference, on the techniques of access to the medium used in radio communication systems, on the architectures modern of transmission networks, with particular attention to the aspects of security and confidentiality of information, and on the design and management of services on the Internet-of-things.
The "Bioelectronics" curriculum allows to work both in industries, health and sanitary facilities, specialized clinical laboratories, and also in research centres and universities, with tasks concerning the design, production, management and testing of biomedical sensors and instrumentation and the employment of suitable medical software for diagnostic support and for ambient assisted living. The knowledge and skills provided in the curriculum include a strong basic training in the electronic field, with specialized skills in the fields of sensors and diagnostic equipment, and of analysis and post-processing of signals, images and medical-biological data.
Finally, the "Robotics and Mechatronics" curriculum aims at training professionals, transversal to traditional engineering and capable of performing the analysis of systems of various physical nature, the planning of objectives to be achieved, and the mathematical formulation of a control problem taking into account the aforementioned objectives, the solution of this problem also using the software tools available and, finally, to its practical implementation.
Specific details
Category of Education
Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT
Information and communication, Other service activities
Other personal service activities
Università degli Studi di PalermoLocation
Italy Palazzo Steri, Palermo , 90133, Sicilia, Italy
Italy Palazzo Steri, Palermo , 90133, Sicilia, Italy
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