Mobile Application Experiences Part 5: Reporting Research Findings

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Price: 7053 EUR 7053 EUR
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In this fifth and final Mobile Application Experiences course you will learn how to create a formal research paper, documenting your work and your findings throughout the course series.  We will use the CHI conference format, a popular venue to present advances in Human Computer Interaction. This course is part one of a five-part Mobile Apps series. 21W.789.1x: Mobile Application Experiences Part 1: From a Domain to an App Idea 21W.789.2x: Mobile Application Experiences Part 2: Mobile App Design 21W.789.3x: Mobile Application Experiences Part 3: Building Mobile Apps 21W.789.4x: Mobile Application Experiences Part 4: Understanding Use 21W.789.5x: Mobile Application Experiences Part 5: Reporting Research Findings

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Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT