Digital wellbeing

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Price: 5262 EUR 5262 EUR
Contact Heslington, York, Yorkshire, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom


On this course, you'll consider the impact of digital technologies on health, relationships and society. We'll take into account our ability to use digital technologies positively, build relationships and networks, balance online and offline activities, and keep ourselves safe physically and virtually.

We will investigate new and established technologies and their impact on society, and present some of the positive and negatives of engagement. Learners will develop strategies for dealing with information overload, devising a positive digital identity, and for positive online participation.

Assessments (and subsequent certificates) are optional and carry a fee, with the exception of people with a York username for whom they are free.

Specific details

Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT, Social Science


University of York


United Kingdom
Heslington, York, Yorkshire, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom

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