Computer Science and Technology

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Price: 8903 EUR 8903 EUR
Contact 2 Lushan South Road, Yuelu, Changsha, Hunan, China


College of Computer and Communication in Hunan University has now 1 doctoral program in Computer Application Technology, 5 master programs in 2 first-level disciplines (Computer Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering), 2 master programs (Master of Engineering in Computer Application, Electronics and Communication Engineering), and 4 bachelor programs in Computer Science and Technology, Communication Engineering, Information Security and Intelligence Science and Technology.

The college currently has 1 member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 Cheung Kong Scholar, 1 chair professor, 2 members of Talent Project for the New Century of the Ministry of Education , 17 visiting and part-time professors, and 86 full and associate professors, most of whom are holders of a doctoral degree.

Specific details

Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT


Hunan University


2 Lushan South Road, Yuelu, Changsha, Hunan, China

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