Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D.

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Price: 7543 EUR 7543 EUR
Contact 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, Florida, 33620, United States


The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred in recognition of a candidate’s highest level of scholarly competence and demonstrated capability to independently conduct and report significant research in computer science and engineering. This achievement requires more than an accumulation of course credits over a stated period of residence. Scholarly competence is achieved through systematic study and investigation in the chosen discipline at an advanced level. The major professor and at least two committee members will be from the Computer Science and Engineering department. Research capability is developed during the course of study and is achieved through the completion of significant and independent research. The results of this research must be formally presented in a written dissertation and successfully defended before an examining committee. The dissertation must demonstrate the significance of the research as well as the candidate’s ability to organize and present her/his results in a professional manner.

Specific details

Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT
Sectors Information and communication, Professional, scientific and technical activities
Classification Programming and broadcasting activities
Other professional, scientific and technical activities


United States of America
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa, Florida, 33620, United States

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