Computer science

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Price: 4472 EUR 4472 EUR
Contact Brazil
Rua da Reitoria 374, térreo, Cidade Universitá, Butantã, Sao Paulo, 05508-220, Brazil


The Graduate School in Computer Science at IME-USP offers programs leading to the master's and doctoral degrees. With approximately 30 faculty members, most of them CNPq research fellows, the program covers the main areas of Computer Science. The strength of the program is attested by the good results achieved by our graduates in several competitions for distinguished theses and dissertations. Alumni of the program hold top positions both in industry and in academia, at the best universities in the country. Applicants to our program should visit the page on our admission process and follow the given instructions.

Specific details

Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT
Sectors Information and communication, Other service activities
Classification Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
Other personal service activities


Brazil Rua da Reitoria 374, térreo, Cidade Universitá, Butantã, Sao Paulo, 05508-220, Brazil

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