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Price: 88 EUR 88 EUR
Contact BSMS Teaching Building, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9PX, United Kingdom


This internationally recognised course is designed to train healthcare professionals to be the clinical leaders of the future by providing a mix of clinical and professional knowledge relevant to the practice of cardiology in contemporary healthcare.

Learning in key professional domains includes service leadership and development, research, commissioning and communication and teaching. The cardiology content of the programme provides comprehensive learning to meet the professional development needs of a wide range of practitioners working in cardiology including: doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, physiologists and radiographers.

The course aims to increase students’ practical and theoretical knowledge of advanced clinical and interventional cardiology, by promoting their exploration of the current evidence for diagnosis and treatment. The course seeks to enable the student to use this evidence toward good practice through focussing on the practical aspects of the care of common cardiac conditions from a medical and patient perspective. In addition, the course aims to promote a wider understanding of the differing profiles and contributory roles of the various health care professionals involved in the care of cardiac patients.

Specific details

Category of Education Technology and Engineering, Medicine and Healthcare


United Kingdom
BSMS Teaching Building, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9PX, United Kingdom