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Price: 6606 EUR 6606 EUR
Contact Via Antonio Gramsci, 89-91, Foggia , 71100, Puglia, Italy +39 0881 338 343


The inter-class master's degree course in “Banking, Finance and Markets” aims to develop a highly qualified training course in the economic and financial field. The course offers an integrated, authentically interdisciplinary training course, which is placed in a balanced position between the training courses characteristic of the two classes of Economics and Economics and Business Sciences. The course combines, in fact, the specific skills of the LM-56 class (Economic Sciences) - and, therefore, an in-depth preparation in the area of ​​political economy, monetary economics, econometrics, economic policies of European Union - and those of class LM-77 (Economics and business sciences) - and, therefore, a specialization in the disciplines of the economics of financial intermediaries, corporate finance,

The course responds to profound cultural needs, which characterize the evolution of the real economy and finance and motivate the close relationships and reciprocal influences between the two disciplines. In modern times the economic and financial sciences, although developed from a common matrix, have in fact been structured according to distinct epistemological approaches, to which conceptual schemes and autonomous systems of thought correspond. Despite the different paths followed, the economic and financial sciences nevertheless retain relevant conceptual affinities and strong elements of interaction, the knowledge of which can favor the understanding and governance of economic dynamics at both the micro and macroeconomic level.
The course is aimed at those who intend to specialize in the field of relations between real economy and finance and aspire to operate in the global financial services sector, with particular emphasis on mathematical-quantitative approaches and on empirical methods and theories concerning macroeconomics and politics. economic.
Graduates of the Master's Degree Course in "Banking, Finance and Markets" must be able to apply the mathematical-quantitative, economic, business and legal knowledge acquired to the analysis of the financial dynamics of organizations, companies and markets, to processes typical decision-making of financial intermediaries and corporate finance (financing, investments and access to the capital market), understanding of macroeconomic problems and dynamics and planning and management of economic support and regulation policies.
Graduates in "Banking, Finance and Markets" must be able to carry out highly qualified work activities in the intermediaries and financial and insurance markets, in the management and finance area of ​​organizations and companies of different sizes, in the Authorities supervision and regulation of financial markets and intermediaries, economic and financial institutions including international ones, central and local public administrations and public and private entities and bodies operating in the field of economic and financial research and planning.
The Master's Degree Course in "Banking, Finance and Markets" intends, in fact, to train economists who are professionals with specific skills in financial and business consulting and experts for the banking, financial and insurance sectors, with specialist skills in the field of management of corporate structures pertaining to the various categories of intermediaries.
To this end, the objective of the training course is to transfer in-depth and transversal skills on the topics of the structure and management profiles of banking, financial and insurance companies, strategic planning and methods of approaching the different customer segments of a financial intermediary. , national and international banking and financial regulation, the methods of functioning of financial markets, the analysis, planning and control of economic and monetary policies, corporate finance, risk management and mathematical-quantitative models applied to finance.
The training objectives therefore require strong integrations between different disciplinary areas, but also the development of aptitudes for a creative use of acquired economic, quantitative and business methodologies, in order to be able to adapt promptly to an environment that is particularly innovative and constantly changing. which is that of finance and financial markets. To this end, the training course allows you to acquire advanced theoretical economic and financial skills, the necessary mastery of mathematical-quantitative tools, and pays adequate attention to business, financial and legal disciplines. Considerable attention is also paid to the regulation and supervision of intermediaries and financial markets.

The two-year Master's Degree Course in “Banking, Finance and Markets” is delivered in Italian and in a conventional manner. The training activities include teaching, laboratories, seminars, internships and traineeships at public and / or private entities, consistent with the topics of the Degree Course.
The educational offer consists of a single study path that simultaneously meets the minimum requirements of the two degree classes (LM-56 and LM-77). The student can choose, at the time of enrollment, the degree class within which he intends to obtain the degree (choice that can be modified up to the moment of enrollment in the second year). In any case, each student will acquire all the minimum sectoral educational credits required by both degree classes.
The structure of the course provides, in fact, a common basis of teaching (72 CFU) for all students, including the quantitative disciplines, economics of financial intermediaries, corporate finance, political economy, econometrics and the law of 'economy. In the second year of the study course, the student will have the opportunity to customize their training by selecting two elective courses, for a total of 16 ECTS, within a range of three disciplines, to which are added free choice activities for 8 CFU. The course is completed by a wide choice of curricular training internship opportunities (6 CFU) - through which students will be able to acquire specific professional skills in their respective areas of interest - and the final exam (18 CFU).

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics


Via Antonio Gramsci, 89-91, Foggia , 71100, Puglia, Italy

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