Bachelor's thesis

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Price: 340 EUR 340 EUR
Contact Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu, Finland


A Bachelor's thesis is a small-scale research project of the student’s own study field. The scope of the thesis and thesis-related seminar work is about 8-10 ECT. Typically, the length of the thesis is about 20-40 pages, but more detailed instructions and learning objectives are written in the curriculum of each degree programme. Bachelor students get guidance to the thesis work from the faculty’s researchers. The completed bachelor's thesis will be reviewed at Urkund plagiarism checker and then published after approval in the university’s Laturi database. Students can read previously published bachelor's theses at the Pegasus library. The bachelor student is also required to complete a maturity test. The maturity test is a written exam which evaluates the students command of the research topic and proficiency in Finnish, Swedish or English.


Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu, Finland