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New Study Reveals Breakthrough in Electric Aviation Potential


 Traditionally, battery-electric flying was not considered a mainstream aviation solution given assumed limitations in aircraft capacity and range. However, this perception is being challenged by two scientific papers, 'A new perspective on battery-electric aviation, part I and II' authored by Rob Wolleswinkel, Reynard de Vries, Maurice Hoogreef, and Roelof Vos. The first scientific paper re-examines assumptions that lead to the current perception of limited applicability for battery-electric aircraft, and presents new parametric designs for a feasible battery-electric aircraft with 40-120 passengers, capable of flying up to 1000 km cruise range. The second research paper outlines the design of a 90-passenger battery-electric aircraft. This aircraft is capable of traveling up to 800 km on battery power alone, assuming a battery pack energy density of 360 Wh/kg. The papers were presented and discussed during aviation conference SciTech in Orlando, Florida.

Joris Melkert, Senior Lecturer Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology: "We expect Elysian to make a significant contribution to discovering the boundaries of battery electric flying by taking a refreshingly new look at the combination of technology and design. We wholeheartedly support their systematic and scientific approach and look forward to their solutions to the technological challenges ahead."

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