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Knowledge-Based Enterprises

The creation of companies has become established as a valuable tool for achieving the link between university research and the productive system, as well as for improving the competitiveness of the environment and the renewal of the productive fabric. This page contains the information and documentation necessary for the application, approval and constitution of Knowledge-Based Companies (EBC) at the UAM , as well as the links to the EBCs existing at our University.

Civil servant teaching staff of university teaching bodies, Permanent Professors and Technical, Management, Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS), civil servants or employees with permanent ties, who justify their participation in the research activities referred to in article 61.1 of the LOSU, may apply for an EBC. Likewise, the aforementioned staff may request authorization to join this type of company or entity in which the university has a stake, by means of a temporary leave of absence.

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Next generation flight design


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