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Green transportation


 The transportation sector is emitting more and more CO2 from cars, trucks, airplanes and shipping. To reverse this trend, more of the known solutions and technologies need to come into play.

The transition to green transportation is making its mark in Denmark with more electric cars, electric charging stations, special parking spaces, and for aviation, a political agreement has been reached that all domestic aviation must be converted to green energy by 2030.

Electric cars have a positive effect on CO2 emissions, but the energy efficiency they create has been exchanged for longer trips. The latest Transport Habits Survey from DTU shows that Danes are driving the same number of trips in their cars, but they are making longer trips. As a result, CO2 emissions from driving are as high as they were 30 years ago.

Overall, the transport sector, including cars, trucks, airplanes and domestic shipping, accounts for 25 percent of total CO2 emissions in Denmark, which amounted to 44 million tons of CO2 in 2022. The transition to sustainable transportation is therefore central to Denmark reducing CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030.

The government's expert group behind a report on green tax reform has presented models for how taxes can reduce agricultural CO2 emissions. If one of the models is implemented, the transportation sector will be the largest emitter of CO2. Increased research and development in areas such as electrification, development of green fuels, battery technology and optimization of logistics in the freight and maritime sectors play a key role in the green transition.

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