Virtual Photovoltaic Laboratory - System and Electronic Components

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Price: 5978 EUR 5978 EUR
Contact Postbus 5, 2600 AA Delft, Netherlands


This course provides you with practical experience on PV systems and their building blocks, including batteries and power electronics. If you normally just know the theory behind battery performance, inverters, the efficiency losses due to different system

components; or the impact of module tilt, orientation and weather conditions on modules performance, in this course you will see − in real time – how they impact the operation of photovoltaic systems and their components in realistic scenarios.

You will gain this practical experience in a virtual lab environment in which you will conduct experiments. This course includes 3 parts focusing on electronic components and a system design:

Part 1 – Rechargeable batteries

You will experiment with applying rechargeable battery technology to photovoltaic systems and learn which parameters affect battery performance. You will also understand difference between Li-ion and lead-acid batteries.

Part 2 – Power Electronics

You will measure the operational characteristics of charge controllers, grid-connected and stand-alone inverters (off- and on-grid), and maximum power-point trackers.

Part 3 - Photovoltaic systems

You will design and analyze the performance of a complete photovoltaic system. Specifically you will analyze the effect of module tilt and orientation; investigate the losses; study the operation of a grid-connected system and determine its efficiency; and evaluate the effect of rain and shade on the system power output.

Specific details

Category of Education Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Physical Science, Education


Postbus 5, 2600 AA Delft

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