2773 EUR
The University of Texas at Austin
The Department of Statistics and Data Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin has partnered with the Department of Computer Science to offer a Master of Science in Data Science. This new online master's program embodies the defining principles of Data Science, combining the leaders from both fields, to present a curriculum designed from the ground up to offer a solid foundational knowledge in Statistical theory upon which to build a Computer Science application. Course curriculum incorporates ideas and methods such as simulation, data visualization, data mining, data analysis, large scale data-based inquiry for big data, and non-standard design methodologies, along with topics of machine learning, algorithmic techniques, and optimization, to tackle issues that come up with large-scale data such as memory and computational speed.
Our program is designed to prepare you for the fastest growing, highest demanded job prospect in recent history. Step into the world of data-driven models and multi-dimensional datasets. Find answers in the areas of bioinformatics, linguistics, industry, academia, government, and nonprofits to name just a few.
At The University of Texas at Austin, we say: “What starts here changes the world.” Be that change. Prepare yourself for a career in Data Science.
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Category of Education
Computer Sciense and IT
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