University of Macedonia (UoM)

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Price: 596 EUR 596 EUR


The University of Macedonia is a public research university in Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece. It is a modern institution, renowned for the quality, freedom, democracy, meritocracy and individual development it provides to its members.

Founded as School of Higher Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki  in 1948 and started its first operation during the academic year 1957-1958, it is the second largest university in the city. It currently consists of eight departments which deal mainly with social, political, economic sciences and information technology.

The language of instruction is Greek, although there are programs in foreign languages,courses and for international and local students, carried out in English, French, German, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Arabic.

Specific details

Category of Education Business and Economics, Technology and Engineering, Computer Sciense and IT, Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Education
Sectors Financial and insurance, Professional, scientific and technical activities, Public administration and defence, Education, Arts, entertainment, Administrative and support service activities


156 Egnatia Street, GR-546 36 Thessaloniki, Greece

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