Robotic Vision

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Price: 7451 EUR 7451 EUR
Contact Queensland University of Technology

More details about the program


Robots with vision will play increasingly important roles in society, from health care to marine science and interplanetary exploration. Robotic vision is an area of technology that is growing quickly in both its potential and applications. The Robotic Vision program from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) comprises three online courses that provide both theory and practice in programming robotic (computer) vision. You’ll explore the principles of vision: how human vision works; how robotic vision works; and relevant aspects of colour, light and perspective. You’ll become familiar with the mathematical and programming skills required to process and manipulate images, and develop these skills with hands-on practice using the MATLAB programming environment. You’ll put your skills into practice by using specialist software to create the code required for a robot to complete a simple visual task. If you have previously competed QUT’s Introducing Robotics program, you may be able to use the robot arm you built in the Build a Robot Arm course to complete an extension activity in the third course of Robotic Vision. Accessible for free on desktop, tablet or mobile, and delivered in bite-sized chunks, this program provides a flexible and supported way to develop your understanding of robotic vision.

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Category of Education Computer Sciense and IT

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