2444 EUR
Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Faculty of Geography conducts research and courses on environmental systems, sustainable resource management, cultural studies, spatial economics, cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing, among other areas of focus. Nowadays the MSU Faculty of Geography has the world s largest educational, scientific and student community of geographers. More than 1200 BSc and MSc students and approximately 200 PhD students study in 15 Departments of the Faculty every year. There is a large number of students from China, Iran, France, Germany and other countries, who also study geography here. About 800 employees, including 100 professors/Doctors of Science and 280 Candidates of Science, work in the Faculty. The Faculty of Geography has its own publishing facilities and a photo laboratory.
Specific details
Category of Education
Social Scienc
Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityLocation
Russian Federation
Leninskiye Gory, Moskva
Leninskiye Gory, Moskva
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