Bachelor of History

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Price: 2813 EUR 2813 EUR
Contact University of Antwerp

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The Bachelor has demonstrable basic knowledge of fundamental developments in world and European history since Antiquity and the skills to efficiently extend this knowledge in function of a personal chronological, geographical or thematic specialisation.. The Bachelor has a basic knowledge of world history in general and of the dynamic exchanges that have taken place during the course of that history between European and extra-European cultural traditions.The Bachelor has a strong ability for problem-setting. He/she can articulate a status quaestionis of the historical debate starting from an original research question that they developed with guidance. Building on this he/she is able to find, select, analyse and synthesise a multitude of textual and non-textual information in a historically critical way. He/she can also communicate this (orally and in writing) to a specialized and a non-specialized audience.

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Category of Education Arts and Humanitie


Antwerp, Antwerp

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