8791 EUR
University of Otago
Classics is the study of the civilisations of ancient Greece and Rome. The importance of the Greeks and Romans is their immense influence on the development of western civilisation. Our language, literature, art, drama, philosophy, political and legal systems, art and architecture are all derived from Greece and Rome. In studying Classics we are studying the European origins of our own culture. At the same time Greece and Rome are fascinating subjects in their own right, and the interdisciplinary nature of Classics means that there are links with almost all other Arts subjects. The Classics Department offers a single major covering three subjects, Greek, Latin and Classical Studies. You can combine these in whatever proportions suit your interests best.
Specific details
Category of Education
Arts and Humanitie
University of OtagoLocation
New Zealand
Dunedin , Dunedin
Dunedin , Dunedin
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