4293 EUR
University of Salford
Research within the Biomedical Research Centre focuses on understanding disease processes (both infectious and non-communicable) and applying this information to understand pathology and develop new or improved diagnostics and treatments. A multidisciplinary approach encompassing medicinal chemistry, rational drug design, pharmacology, physiology, immunology, molecular diagnostics and cell biology underpins the work of the Centre. A research degree in these areas will allow you to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical and related industries. Diseases arising from infection remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. A major focus is on parasitic infection which will allow you to work on aspects of pathology, drug action and diagnostics for malaria, trypanosomiasis and larval cestode infections with emphasis on the implications for both human and animal health. Diagnostics and biomarkers are growth areas of research within the Centre which includes a diagnostic service for human and animal parasitic infections.
Specific details
Category of Education
Technology and Engineerin
University of SalfordLocation
United Kingdom
Manchester, Manchester
Manchester, Manchester
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