BA and MA Classics

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Price: 7384 EUR 7384 EUR
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More details about the program


The Department of Classics offers graduate programs leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. In addition to the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium (for which see the Admission section of this bulletin), the department participates in a consortial agreement with the City University of New York and Fordham University, which makes course offerings in classics at all three institutions available to all NYU classics graduate students. The University sponsors excavations at Abydos (Egypt), Aphrodisias (Turkey), Yeronisos Island (Cyprus), and Samothrace (Greece). The department owns collections of coins, inscriptions, and papyri; it maintains a small museum of ancient artifacts and a small library with computing resources. Students also have access to the extraordinary collections of such institutions as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the American Numismatic Society, the Morgan Library, and the New York Public Library.

Specific details

Category of Education Arts and Humanitie


New York University


United States of America
New York, New York

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